
Equality and Diversity at UHI Orkney content

Equality and Diversity at UHI Orkney

UHI Orkney is committed to the promotion of equality and diversity and believes there is no place for unlawful discrimination in any of its services and activities.

We aim to ensure that all of our policies, procedures and practices do not unfairly discriminate and that positive measures are taken to redress any inequalities provision of services to students and customers or the way in which we manage our business.

The Equality Act 2010 introduced a new public sector equality duty, enabling UHI Orkney to build on its equality objectives. The 'general duty' came into effect on 05 April 2011 and requires UHI Orkney to pay due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality and foster good relations across a range of protected characteristics. The 'specific duty’ that came into force on 27th May 2012, main aim is to help met the general duties. The specific duties are:- report on progress on mainstreaming the general duty into all functions, develop and publish a set of equality outcomes that cover all protected characteristics (or explain why the characteristics are not covered), assess the impact of policies and practices against the needs of the general duty, gather and use information on employees, publish gender gap information, publish statements on equal pay for gender, race and disability, have due regard to the general duty in specific procurement practices and publish information in a manner that is accessible.

UHI Orkney is part of Orkney Islands Council and therefore not an incorporated College. This means that most specific duties come under OIC procedures and responsibilities. However, the duties that UHI Orkney will work towards to augment OIC duties are ‘develop and publish a set of equality outcomes that cover all protected characteristics (or explain why the characteristics are not covered)’ and ‘assess the impact of policies and practices against the needs of the general duties’ (some policies are UHI Orkney policies only).

UHI Orkney Public Sector Equality Duty Reports

UHI Orkney Admissions

The University of the Highlands and Islands operates a fair and open admissions process committed to equality of opportunity and non-discrimination. All applications are considered on merit and on the basis of ability to achieve, without discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender identity, pregnancy and maternity status, race, religion and/or belief, sex, sexual orientation or socio-economic background. The university welcomes applications from all prospective students and aims to provide appropriate services to students with learning support needs or disabilities.

Also see our Admissions Policies updated in 2021.

UHI Orkney Gender Action Plan 2017-2020


Complaints Handling Procedure Quarterly Report

Below are the UHI Orkney Complaints Handling Procedure Quarterly Reports. The reports examine collected data relating to FE complaints received quarterly. Data analysis and attention to emerging and continuing themes assists us to monitor and improve our services.


British Sign Language plan

You can view the University's British Sign Language plan on the UHI website.