Future Tracks

What is special about this course?

Future Tracks provides a general course of study for students who have not decided on, or are not ready for, a specific vocational course or employment. The main focus is on personal and vocational development.

The course involves a general timetable that accommodates a wide range of skills and interests. The timetable includes core skills; communication, numeracy and IT. The rest of the timetable is made of units from vocational subject areas plus areas of development required by the individual student. Students occasionally join students who have different timetables and may be doing different courses. There is a focus on vocational preparation and work placements are arranged as far as possible to suit the needs and interests of the students.

The curriculum adheres to the Curriculum for Excellence and aims to enable each student to be a successful learner, a confident individual, a responsible citizen and an effective contributor.

Entry requirements

Applicants should be able to

  • Follow simple instructions
  • Have an awareness of and demonstrate respect for others in the group
  • Make a contribution to a group
  • Study in a classroom environment
  • Focus on a learning activity
  • Participate in a variety of group activities
  • Stay in a room, focus and participate in appropriate learning activities
  • Show interest and willingness to learn in a busy college environment

The following subject areas are included

  • Core Skills; Communication, Numeracy, IT
  • Art and Design
  • Business Enterprise; Young Enterprise Scotland
  • Hospitality
  • Construction
  • Environmental Projects
  • Local Studies
  • Vocational Development
  • Work Placement

Occasionally other units are provided in: -

  • Care
  • Open Learning
  • Business

Students will generally be working towards Level 4 units. Level 3 units and some Level 5 units can be incorporated to accommodate individual students.

How will I study my course?

  • Full Time

You will study by way of class-room based lectures and tutorials in College and by using on-line support materials.

The Course is continuously assessed.

How long will my course last?

1 Year

1 Year

Where can I study my course?

    • UHI Orkney, Kirkwall

Start date



For finance/funding information – please refer to UHI Orkney Finance.

For course fees – please email ocrevenue@uhi.ac.uk

What can I do on completion of my course?

Students can progress to vocational training, further preparation for employment or onto employment.

Career Opportunities
The course supports access to vocational training and employability

Is there more information available online?

QR Code - scan to visit course page

You can use the above QR code to connect directly to the course details.

We are still taking applications for 2024/25, but please be advised that the course is currently full so all new applications will be placed on a waiting list.

I understand there is a waiting list but would still like to start in August 2024

We are delighted that you are thinking about studying at Orkney College UHI. Orkney College UHI operates a fair and open admissions system committed to equality of opportunity and non-discrimination. We consider all applications on merit and on the basis of ability to achieve, without discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity status, race, religion and/or belief, sex, sexual orientation or socio-economic background. We welcome applications from all prospective students and aim to provide appropriate and efficient services to students with disabilities.