Mindfulness Sessions on offer for students at exam time

In partnership with YPeople Orkney, there will be a series of mindfulness sessions taking place at Orkney College UHI to help students combat the stresses of exam time.

These sessions will take place on Wednesday 26th April, 3rd May and 10th May at Orkney College UHI.

Students are encouraged to book a place by contacting Student Officer Ewan Kennedy at ewan.kennedy@uhi.ac.uk. Those interested should mention which session/s they are interested in attending.

Mindfulness Sessions with Fiona Wales from Healtherapy

Mindfulness meditation, and its day to day application, has become extremely popular over the last couple of years, and is a great way to take control of your life, and to help you reach your fullest potential.

Mindfulness helps people to live in the present, and is ideal for those who limit themselves by focusing on the past, or who are so focused on the future that they forget to live in the moment. It can help with anxiety and panic, procrastination, indecisiveness, insomnia, letting go of past hurts or expectation, overeating, excessive worrying over ‘what might be’, and much more!

This therapy is split into three sessions, with add-on sessions available as required.

  • Session one is an introduction to mindfulness, a meditation about staying in the present, focusing on experiencing the now.
  • The second session focuses on avoiding procrastination, and in staying in the moment day to day.
  • Session three focuses on compassion towards yourself and others.

Take home exercises are provided to help you apply these principles outside of the therapy or class room.

All three of these sessions will have a slant towards helping you deal with exam stress, avoiding procrastination with coursework and revision, and helping you to make the most of each exam experience.