Modern Apprentices feel right at home at OHAL

We find out about the great partnership between Orkney College UHI and Orkney Housing Association Limited in providing apprenticeships for local young people.

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OHAL Modern Apprentices (L-R): Leanne Omand, Kaylee Flett and Aimee Leask.

As part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2018 we hear from current and former Modern Apprentices at Orkney Housing Association Limited:

  • Leanne Omand - completed her Modern Apprenticeship in Business & Admin in June 2016 with Orkney College UHI & OHAL and is now working full-time at OHAL. Leanne was one of the first trainees to take part of the MA programme in Business & Admin through OHAL.
  • Kaylee Flett - just completed her MA in Business & Admin through OHAL. She is now working with D&H Law.
  • Aimee Leask - current MA at OHAL.

Kaylee Flett

I have really enjoyed my time working at OHAL and the support that both OHAL and Orkney College provided whilst I was completing my Modern Apprenticeship was invaluable. Completing my MA and gaining my SVQ2 qualification has helped expand my knowledge and experience working in an office environment and this helped contribute to me securing full time, permanent employment in a similar role at a different organisation. I would fully recommend any young person interested in a business/administrative role to consider applying for a Modern Apprenticeship as it is a great way to get yourself into a working environment.

Aimee Leask

Having completed half of the apprenticeship, I am thoroughly enjoying working at Orkney Housing Association. Both OHAL and Orkney College provide great support for completing the SVQ. The apprenticeship has so far enabled me to gain experience in a business/admin-based environment which will be invaluable when applying for jobs in the future. Being introduced to a wide variety of tasks has really broadened my knowledge and skillset. I look forward to gaining an apprenticeship qualification and the opportunities that this will present, and would encourage any young person looking to gain experience in an administrative role to consider applying for this apprenticeship.

Leanne Omand

I started my career here at Orkney Housing Association as a Modern Apprentice back in late 2015. This was a great opportunity for me as I had no prior experience of working in an office. The skills and experiences which I gained through this programme were what helped me secure my full-time, permanent position here as a Customer Services Assistant.  Almost one year into my role, I still thoroughly enjoy my job. Without the MA programme, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Mhairi Hughes - OHAL

Orkney Housing Association provides good quality affordable homes and services for the benefit of the people and community of Orkney. In 2015, the Association adopted a long-term strategy of investing in an Apprenticeship programme. We place much emphasis on the impact we have in nurturing healthy, sustainable local communities by providing decent jobs and training opportunities - we see the MA programme as a core part of this.

Modern Apprentices Programme

Our programme is run in close partnership with Orkney College UHI and delivers positive outcomes for everyone involved. To date, three Apprentices have achieved an SVQ Level 2 in Business & Administration with a fourth underway. Their roles within the Association are fully integrated to take on specific tasks to enhance the customer experience with the Association.

It is always useful to have input from people who are relatively new and bring fresh perspectives. Apprentices have regular 1:1 discussions with their line manager to monitor progress until they achieve their award after which they become monthly in line with other staff.

We are proud to see how our Modern Apprentices have developed and grown. They have become highly knowledgeable and effective members of staff, both at the Association and elsewhere. Their confidence and skills have developed significantly during the programme.

The MA programme has proved a rewarding experience for the trainees, the Organisation and the wider staff team.

Susan Mackay, Lecturer in Business Studies and Inclusive Practice at Orkney College UHI:

"We are delighted to be working with businesses like Orkney Housing Association as part of our Modern Apprenticeship programme in Business & Administration. The support the businesses offer their young people helps to build on practical experiences while gaining a recognised qualification that reflects on the professional performance and knowledge required in an administrative role."